What is the real impact of fast fashion jeans?
The denim industry is considered to be one of the most polluting in the fashion sector, particularly for its intensive consumption of water, use of chemicals and greenhouse gas emissions at every stage, from cotton growing to manufacturing. A
Quel est l’impact réel des jeans de fast fashion ?
L'industrie du jean est considérée comme l'une des plus polluantes dans le secteur de la mode notamment pour sa consommation intensive d’eau, l’utilisation de produits chimiques et ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre à chaque étape, de la culture du
Textile recycling: the dangers in 8 points
"To combat the harmful effects of fast fashion on the environment, the EU wants to reduce textile waste and increase the life cycle and recycling of textiles. This is part of the plan to achieve a circular economy by 2050.",
Lena Winterink: “How do you value things?”
Lena Winterinck is Dutch and works in her design studio in Amsterdam. For her, artistic research and experimentation on materials such as textiles, giving meaning to our existence, are essential. As a graduate of the Eindhoven Design Academy in 2019,
HEALTHY FASHION (II): “How to recognize toxic synthetic fabrics”
Are the clothes we wear nowadays good for our health? Or, on the contrary, are they a hindrance to our evolution, both as individuals and as a society? After noticing a general void of meaning in fashion, American author and fashion