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The Fashion for Good Museum in Amsterdam will close its doors and transform into a co-working space starting from June 2024. Fashion for Good announces a strategy aimed at promoting the adoption and scaling of regenerative fashion innovations. This strategy includes strengthening the Innovation Platform, deepening brand adoption, supplier integration, financing, and impact measurement. Avant sa fermeture, le musée célèbre son histoire de six ans avec une exposition finale intitulée “What Comes Around Goes Around”, axée sur la circularité dans la mode, qui sera ouverte jusqu’au 5 juin 2024, donnant une dernière chance au public de découvrir des solutions durables.

Today’s fashion landscape is dominated by a linear consumption model that exacerbates waste and environmental degradation. With European consumers alone responsible for 15 kilos of textile waste every year, a shift to a circular approach is urgently needed. The“What Comes Around Goes Around” exhibition aims to catalyze this change by showcasing the work of artists, innovators and designers dedicated to reinventing the future of fashion.

Fashion for Good - Last exhibition for Fashion for Good Museum - Pearls Magazine

Three thematic zones embody circularity

Curated by Sophie Jager-van Duren, the exhibition is divided into three thematic zones. The first highlights new contributions from local artists and collectives such as Atelier Reservé and The Patchwork Family, alongside established designers such as BOTTER, Ronald van der Kemp and Nicole McLaughlin. Their works embody the potential of circularity in fashion, offering a glimpse of the innovative practices reshaping the industry.

Nicole McLaughlin. Photo Elzo Bonam - Last exhibition for Fashion for Good Museum - Pearls Magazine
Nicole McLaughlin. Photo: Enzo Bonam

The second zone focuses on community engagement, inviting visitors to participate in interactive installations that highlight the collective effort required to transform the fashion ecosystem. The final section explores industrial innovations, featuring collaborations with companies such as Living Ink, MIRUM and Infinited Fiber Company, among others. These partnerships reveal how next-generation solutions are not simply conceptual, but are actively integrated into market-ready collections.

Patchwork family - Last exhibition for Fashion for Good Museum - Pearls Magazine
Patchwork Family. Photo: Enzo Bonam

Katrin Ley, Executive Director of Fashion for Good, emphasizes the role of the exhibition in demonstrating that circular fashion is not a distant dream but a present reality. “What Comes Around Goes Around“not only showcases recent capsule collections incorporating cutting-edge sustainable technologies, but also serves as a call to action for visitors to adopt circular practices in their daily lives.

Photos: Elzo Bonam

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