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Fashion Revolution Week 2024: How to become a fashion revolutionary?

Fashion Revolution the world’s leading fashion activism movement, created by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro, announces the start of Fashion Revolution Week 2024. This year is particularly significant as it marks the 10th anniversary of the organization. From April 15 to 24, 2024, the campaign will engage ten days of action-packed events, encompassing a wide range of local activities around the world, under the inspiring theme“How to become a fashion revolutionary?

This year’s theme delves into the very essence of the movement, highlighting fashion’s significant role in propelling social and environmental justice. “The fashion industry is at a critical crossroads, facing the twin challenges of an impending climate crisis and the urgent need for transformation,” explains Fashion Revolution in a statement. “The last decade has seen sustainability move from niche concern to mainstream debate, with more and more people thinking about the impact of their clothing choices. This change is reflected in the exponential growth of the Fashion Revolution community, which has tripled in size over the last five years.“This cultural transformation is also supported by a wave of forthcoming legislation in Europe and the USA, aimed at comprehensively regulating the fashion industry.

A slow and frustrating paradigm shift

Historically perceived as frivolous, the fashion industry has lagged behind when it comes to regulation and reform. However, concerted efforts by citizens, NGOs and trade unions are now drawing the attention of policymakers to the human and environmental rights challenges facing the sector..” The Fashion Transparency IndexFashion Revolution’s annual report, has therefore been crucial in promoting transparency in the industry, with significant improvements in brand disclosures since its inception.

Despite these advances, the pace of systemic change remains frustratingly slow. With the climate crisis, growing social inequalities and environmental degradation, there is an urgent need for action.

Key points for the next 10 years

The next decade will focus on fair wages, slowing down production and thus reducing overproduction and waste. Efforts to achieve gender and racial equality will also be stepped up to elevate marginalized voices.

Rudo Nondo, Acting Managing Director of Fashion Revolution CIC, reflects on the journey so far: “Fashion Revolution is the story of a community. Our grassroots movement has grown into a worldwide network spanning 75 countries. The last decade has seen sustainability evolve from a niche concern to a mainstream debate, with ever-increasing numbers of people reflecting on the impact of their clothing choices. This change is reflected in the exponential growth of the Fashion Revolution community, which has tripled in size over the past five years.

For Fashion Revolution, everyone has a role to play in making a difference. From bringing together talented people to teaching skills, every action, however small, contributes to a collective force capable of driving systemic change.

Photo Credit : Fashion Revolution

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