Pyratex has just taken a significant step by introducing the zero-kilometer cotton supply chain in Spain. Specialized in R&D and provider of eco-innovative textiles, the spanish company, which operates in Europe and America, has created a new family of Pyratex® solea fabrics, designed to minimize environmental impact and promote local sourcing, offering a pioneering model for the future of textile production.
Cotton remains one of the most widely used natural fibers in fashion, yet its supply chain is among the most complex. Approximately 99 per cent of cotton used in Europe is imported, with the majority cultivated in Asia. While Spain and Greece contribute a small percentage of European cotton production, much of it is exported for processing, resulting in extensive transportation emissions and reduced traceability. Pyratex seeks to change this paradigm by harnessing locally grown cotton and ensuring it is processed within the region.
The groundbreaking km. 0 in Spain
For that, Pyratex decided to source cotton from 400 hectares of farmland in Seville and Córdoba. This locally cultivated cotton is harvested and ginned in Spain before being spun and knitted in Portugal, ensuring minimal transport emissions and complete traceability. By keeping every stage of production within close geographical proximity, the company has successfully established a supply chain that prioritizes environmental responsibility without compromising on quality. This can be further evidenced by their cotton being subject to strict EU regulations, guaranteeing it is GMO-free [without genetic modifications], compliant with labor laws, and cultivated using water-efficient farming practices.
The name Pyratex® solea is a tribute to the rich cultural heritage of Andalusia. Inspired by “soleá,” one of the most fundamental Flamenco styles, the fabric embodies the deep-rooted tradition and passion of the region. This connection to Andalusian identity further strengthens the narrative of authenticity and local craftsmanship.
Words : Sofía Castro Esteban
Photo : Pexels